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2024-06-06 06:57:16

hh on Nostr: Being a free speech absolutist is not difficult. I am totally in favor of Israel's ...

Being a free speech absolutist is not difficult.

I am totally in favor of Israel's actions to exterminate Hamas.

I am also totally in favor of this woman's expressing an opinion I completely disagree with, freely and without reprisals from the administration. That's because it's an opinion, and nothing more. If they caught her in some sort of action, that would be a different story of course.

On the other hand, I don't think she and all the other terrorist supporters like her are equally coherent and tolerant of my opinions, or anybody else's. Probably the college administrators are though, in the sense that they do censor and act against anyone they don't agree with.

As I always say, I don't like it when they receive a dose of their own medicine, and I protest for it. Here.

Any further action, meh. Too low on my list of priorities to lose much sleep over it.
ANU student Beatrice Tucker expelled after saying Hamas deserved ‘unconditional support’ during radio interview

The Australian National University has expelled a student for saying Hamas deserved “unconditional support” during a radio interview, making ANU the country’s first campus to take such drastic action against a pro-Palestine activist since the war in Gaza
broke out in October.

Author Public Key