Why Nostr?What is Njump?
2024-05-19 22:45:53
in reply to nevent1q…ntzh

MAHDOOD on Nostr: So i can just build a miner that has five i9s inside it and sell it to mining ...

So i can just build a miner that has five i9s inside it and sell it to mining businesses. Then solo mining becomes obsolete. It would then be centralized over time like it is with bitcoin. The issue isn’t that centralization leads to a ban. China banned bitcoin mining and it was pretty effective but didn’t end Bitcoin. If more countries banned bitcoin mining then the difficulty adjustment would come down and then people would eventually be able to mine on their CPUs again. I fail to see the difference in miner centralization risk for both monero and bitcoin. Centralization is more efficient. Decentralization is better but more costly. People are driven by profits so they will find ways to make things more efficient.
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