Why Nostr? What is Njump?
2024-05-24 14:10:19
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Bitcoin Carlin on Nostr: This isn’t about envy. This is about integrity. Breedlove represented himself as a ...

This isn’t about envy. This is about integrity.

Breedlove represented himself as a virtuous traditional married Christian family man. He condemned the use of porn. He preached traditional values. He said explicitly that he was going through a divorce. Do you divorce a girlfriend?

His subsequent dating a porn star is hypocritical and doesn’t at all comport with the persona he put out there. This adds another blemish to the whole Bitclout shitcoining debacle. The point is that his actions make him untrustworthy.

I don’t take his ex’s words at face value but they don’t look good. It’s sad because Robert is obviously supremely talented and has done a lot for educated people about Austrian economics.

I appreciate your loyalty and standing up for your influencer buddy but maybe he should read and act on the integrity chapter of your little bushido book. If I were you I would’ve just sat this one out Alex.
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