Why Nostr? What is Njump?
2024-06-26 17:12:54
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Emperor Kuzco on Nostr: Personally I always felt as if the Q posts were very late with much of the ...

Personally I always felt as if the Q posts were very late with much of the information. I have read every Q post, first as a verification of my personal experiences and second so I could be knowledgeable in a conversation without being a hypocrite.

What I have been surprised with is how slow the public is to understanding the truth. I feel relief knowing it doesn't matter what many think because you can't stop the truth even if you don't believe it.

Q posts only explained to the public on how the Central Bank system worked and how they created an illusion to enslave the people for centuries. Believe it or not some people still don't understand. Some of us grew up knowing and have prepared.

Go ahead and look at the date of post. Do you think this is a coincidence? Everything is going as planned.
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