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2024-05-03 11:45:41

Eluc on Nostr: More than ever, learn to use non-custodial Bitcoin wallet like Sparrow with a ...

More than ever, learn to use non-custodial Bitcoin wallet like Sparrow with a hardware wallet for your on-chain main wallet.
Use Phoenix, Breez or Zeus for Lightning on mobile used for daily spending.
Then run your own Bitcoin node and connect your wallets to it.

Possibly run a Lightning node if you have specific usage and are willing to learn, otherwise stay with Zeus Embedded (advanced users Lightning + on-chain), Phoenix (most user friendly) and Breez (easy point-of-sales compatible with NFC boltcards), these are much easier and maintenance free than running a public routing node.
The fee are really not that much compare to the cost and risk of operating a Lightning node, just open a big fat private (unannonced) channel when fees are low and you are good to go.

#Bitcoin #noncustodial #runyournode ZEUS (npub1xnf…lpr5)
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