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2024-05-09 23:39:18

kondwani on Nostr: Machankura is one of the main reasons I quit my job last month. I'm a volunteer, at ...

Machankura is one of the main reasons I quit my job last month. I'm a volunteer, at Machankura, working on promoting the Bitcoin adoption in Malawi.

> Ever since Satoshi Nakamoto dropped the white paper, one of the selling points of bitcoin has been, “You don’t need a bank. All you need is a smartphone.”
But what if you don’t have a smartphone? This is the case for millions of people in Africa, which is why Kgothatso Ngako, a former software developer for Amazon, created the no-frills app called Machankura.

> Or maybe “app” is misleading, as it’s designed to work on simple phones that lack touchscreens or cameras or the bells and whistles of an iPhone. All you need is the ability to text. Using the Lightning Network, Machankura (slang for “money”) lets users send and receive bitcoin, with or without the internet.

Malawi is one of the countries where Bitcoin is needed the most. So happy to be part of Machankura.
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