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2024-06-19 15:12:01

William K⚡Santiago🔑☢️ on Nostr: *Chat Control Must Be Stopped – Now!* With its legislative proposal known as ...

*Chat Control Must Be Stopped – Now!*

With its legislative proposal known as “Chat Control,” the EU Commission is trying to establish an unprecedented mass-surveillance apparatus of Orwellian proportions in the European Union.

If EU citizens don’t act now, Chat Control could become a reality and online privacy a thing of the past.

Mass surveillance is an incredibly bad idea for a number of reasons. We highlight three of them on our blog:

What can you do?
Since the matter may be decided this Wednesday, June 19, 2024, time is a critical factor. If you’re a EU citizen, please consider contacting your government’s representative today, asking them to vote against Chat Control.
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