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2024-06-28 07:23:26

BankSith on Nostr: Neo, machines paying machines . . . The Future of LLM Models: Real-Time Collaboration ...

Neo, machines paying machines . . .

The Future of LLM Models:
Real-Time Collaboration and Micropayments with BTC and Lightning Network 🧡

“Protocols like L402 and the Aperture proxy by Lightning Labs are paving the way for real-time payments in distributed networks. L402, a standard for charging services and authenticating users, combines the strengths of macaroons for authentication with the Lightning Network for payments. Aperture, an implementation of this standard, acts as a reverse HTTP proxy, supporting gRPC and REST requests. It allows for dynamic pricing and efficient management of paid APIs.

With L402 and Aperture, LLM models can issue and validate payments seamlessly. For example, a specialized economic model can charge another model for accessing specific data or computational resources. This ensures that resources are utilized efficiently and models can operate collaboratively without manual intervention.

A Vision of the Future: Real-Time Collaboration Among Thousands of LLMs

Imagine a future where thousands of specialized LLMs work together in real-time, leveraging Bitcoin and the Lightning Network for micropayments. Here’s how it might work:

1. Specialized LLMs: Each model focuses on a specific domain, excelling in tasks within its area of expertise.
2. Ensemble Approach: When a complex query is received, the application passes it to an ensemble of specialized LLMs and other engines, each contributing its expertise.
3. Real-Time Payments: As models access resources or information from each other, they make micropayments using the Lightning Network. This ensures that all models are compensated for their contributions.
4. Consolidated Answers: The application consolidates responses from multiple models, providing users with a reliable and comprehensive answer.”

via linkedin

#bitcoin #lightning #llm #ai ⚡️
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