Why Nostr?What is Njump?
2024-05-02 13:43:43
in reply to naddr1qq…8526

ETH bridged over to BTC, sounds like a lot of hurdles

Made this clip from the Unchained podcast by Laura Shin. https://fountain.fm/clip/JO4GujaaACldPIr52NWs It's about a bitcoin layer 2 called Botanix. I'm not against L2s, actually think a ton of innovation can and will occur there, but...I dunno.

Sounds like a lot of steps, a lotta trust places, and a lotta chances for me to screw up somewhere along the line.

So, what you gotta do is...

. start on Ethereum
. use a bridge to port over to Botanix
. then you have wrapped ETH
. then you can go to uniswap and swap wrapped ETH for bitcoin
. then you have BTC on bitcoin

Love the last line in the clip, "Right, right."
#bitcoin #ethereum
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