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2024-02-19 01:23:21

pam on Nostr: Worked through another weekend and this week stretched out thin, literally every part ...

Worked through another weekend and this week stretched out thin, literally every part of my body hurts lol. Got 2 major publishers locked in for my side gig, so grateful. Hired a newbie as I could not keep up trying to do everything. Over time I realise my leadership style changed a lot - I went from this cool tech manager to a paranoid startup founder to now just trusting your team (and letting them go if they can’t pick up).

So much to cover this week but I really loved what JayZ said during his award “you have one chance”

What does it mean ?

It’s a powerful reminder of the limited opportunities people face, especially if you are from a disadvantaged background. Take any opportunity that comes your way and give it your all because you may not get another chance.

If you have had to bootstrap, work multiple jobs, or face constant setbacks, you’d know that every opportunity, no matter how small, is significant. If you are getting these tiny breaks in life, you know that that didn't pop out of nowhere or a miracle, you worked every moment for it. Luck is when opportunity meets preparation.

It's also a great reminder to hone your skills, to improve your knowledge, and to always be the best version of yourself or try to be, because when opportunity does present itself, you have this one chance to make the most out of it.

Have a wonderful week ahead everybody!

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