Why Nostr? What is Njump?
2024-05-14 01:55:37
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Yonle on Nostr: Well, in switch, if you are declaring it without bracket, that equals to declaring it ...

Well, in switch, if you are declaring it without bracket, that equals to declaring it <globally> into your function, which then creates an error of "Identifies "..." has already been declared".

Because doing this:
function () {
switch (...) {
case "1":
let a = 1;
// ....

Is technically almost the same as the following:

function () {
let a = 1;

While it may seems normal, The problem will happen with a code that similar like the following:

function () {
switch (...) {
case "1":
let a = 1;
// ....
case "2":
let a = 2;
// ....

You will then get the error `Uncaught SyntaxError: Identifier 'a' has already been declared`.

To fix it, simply put bracket.
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