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2024-04-04 13:20:18

Ghost of Truth on Nostr: US Treasury floods the markets with T-bills The shorter the term of a bond, the more ...

US Treasury floods the markets with T-bills

The shorter the term of a bond, the more likely it is to meet the liquidity requirements of the fiat money system. The US Treasury imitates short-dated government bonds, so-called T-bills, like crazy. Perhaps the market for long-dated bonds is not as deep as everyone thought, given the debt drama that is unfolding before our eyes! Considering that other important central banks such as the Chinese or the ECB are probably following the same policy at the moment, the M2 money supply should soon reach new dimensions this year! The monetization of exorbitant government debt is entering the next phase, this is Keynesianism and QE on steroids! Hard assets are the tool of choice to protect against this insane policy. #USD #eur #inflation #moneysupply #m2
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