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2024-04-15 12:58:55

Ghost of Truth on Nostr: Ukraine: is the USA trapped? It's a real joke of a story: Ukraine, the strategic ...

Ukraine: is the USA trapped?

It's a real joke of a story: Ukraine, the strategic partner of the UK and usa/nato in the fight against the Russians, is starting to openly blackmail the USA with the price of oil. The Ukrainian government has realized that the price of oil is the Achilles' heel of the Ukraine is starting to openly blackmail the USA with the price of oil. The Ukrainian government has recognized that the price of oil is the Achilles' heel of the USA's debt-based pseudo-growth. With the drone attacks on the Russian oil infrastructure, which have been sharply criticized by Washington, Ukraine is trying to pull the USA back in this war. It will be an interesting spectacle! #USA #ukraine #oil #inflation #debtcrisis
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