Why Nostr?What is Njump?
Daniel Prince
2024-05-19 09:37:33

Daniel Prince on Nostr: Thank you! ...

Thank you!

Here is my own summary of an episode of Once Bitten Podcast from Daniel Prince (npub1hgh…fyz2) with Peter Gray on self-directed learning.

1. History of Schooling, Prussia system to teach obedience as major purpose early on for schooling

2. „Internal Locus of Control“-concept :Anxiety and Depression partly linked to decline of Locus of Control on kids…

3. „School is prison“ teached from the Kid of Peter Gray. -> Sudbury Valley School System for self-directed learning. No courses offered, No classes, no teachers, etc. Children playing, exploring (like hunter/gatherer). Joy of learning came back to their kid.


4. What about diploma/certificates?! -> thats how Peter Gray got into his scientific reasearch and turned his life around.

5. „you only fail in school if you don’t obey“.

6. „we come into our world biologically set to educate ourselves“. But we need to create special places for that. Certain Education instincts in kids…

7. „When children have free time they learn a lot iof interesting things“.

8. 10% of families in US do home schooling.

9. unschooling vs home schooling

10. bring more play and less testing

11. Public/normal education system: constant race of stress and anxiety

12. Study during/after pandemic: chilrden are less anxious and more calm, when school and school related activities closed. Conflicts with parents decreased

13. Fear of Parents: kids falling behind academically - no, they are learning things more importantly. Children anyway don’t learn for life and forget next year what they learned year before

14. „pschologyToday“ - Essays of Peter Gray (https://www.psychologytoday.com/intl/contributors/peter-gray-phd)
Author Public Key