Why Nostr? What is Njump?
2024-06-16 02:32:03
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mikedilger on Nostr: I'm just thinking down atypical pathways. What if murder became legal? That's an ...

I'm just thinking down atypical pathways. What if murder became legal? That's an atypical thought. Nobody thinks about this shit, or if they do they don't dare write about it. What if the state turned a blind eye to murders. If murder were legal in Nazi Germany I bet Hitler would have been killed right quick. Might have actually prevented far more deaths than it caused. Would America become much worse or much better? I think it would be worse off but I'm not sure. I see hundreds of horribly evil people continue to perpetuate their evil, and everybody just puts up with it because murder is illegal so nobody can do anything to stop it. Maybe if it weren't illegal the people that got murdered would tend to be the more evil people, causing things to get better. Maybe there is a turning point in a society when evil dominates so greatly that murder of these evil people actually becomes a public good, and only after the evil is cleared out does murder become a public evil again.

This is just a crazy thought experiment. Probably the kind of thinking that started violent revolutions I'm guessing.

I am not defending murder nor am I suggesting it is a public good. I'm trying to think out under which conditions killing people might become a public good. Because we do it all the time under the label of "war" and most of the time I don't think those are the right conditions to allow for the killing of people.
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