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btcpayserver / BTCPay Server
2024-04-06 15:56:39

btcpayserver on Nostr: > So proud to have been an early supporter of btcpayserver because your mission and ...

> So proud to have been an early supporter of btcpayserver (npub155m…dcvg) because your mission and the community you've built truly represent the best of what Bitcoin stands for. I am honored to have been a part of that.

👀 miles (npub1ds3…hzcn) BitcoinFilmFest (npub1rjt…mp8a)


So proud we had you Miles, jack (npub1sg6…f63m), brockm (npub1hyq…k7cp), moneyball (npub1ug8…d9ry), Spiral (npub1spr…8s72) as our earliest supporters!


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