Why Nostr?What is Njump?
2024-05-19 23:58:41
in reply to nevent1q…4ce6

MAHDOOD on Nostr: In this scenario, we are assuming bitcoin is gone. So i would be expecting the price ...

In this scenario, we are assuming bitcoin is gone. So i would be expecting the price of monero to shoot up to tens of thousands of dollars as it sucks in the capital that was in bitcoin. And i think VPS services would be done on i8s or other older CPUs because it’s difficult to justify the opportunity cost. But even if you continued to use your i9 for VPS services, it would not earn as much as it would if you were mining.

But even if we put all that aside. What happens when the demand for more CPUs for mining grows? New gen models will come out. So you’ll have the i10 then work your way up: i11 i12 i13 etc. Eventually these new models will be so expensive and powerful, that ordinary consumers will not be able to afford it or have any need for it. The market would look a lot like the asic market.

Idk these are all very interesting concepts. Monero seems to work optimally with the number of users it has today. And maybe it’s better like that. I don’t think it functions well as a store of value because you can’t audit the supply and i don’t think it can scale without suffering to centralization because there is no blocksize limit. But this was an interesting conversation and i approach your time. Most monero people just shill privacy like that is the only thing that matters.
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