Why Nostr?What is Njump?
2024-04-08 20:45:46
in reply to nevent1q…v3gg

Nobody on Nostr: I strongly disagree... And I'd use Romans 13 to do so... I know Romans 13 doesn't ...

I strongly disagree... And I'd use Romans 13 to do so... I know Romans 13 doesn't mean check your conscience at the door and do all the state says, but I do take it as saying that God allow rulers and he will judge them harshly for doing wrong. The old testament prophets said that repeatedly too.

But say I agreed with the quote, I'd still take the non-violent resistance path. It's statistically proven to be more successful at ushering in a more peaceful political system for a county. Whereas, the chances of civil war breaking out a second time are super high when violence ushers in a new regime.
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