Why Nostr?What is Njump?
21ideas /
2024-03-19 18:24:19

21ideas on Nostr: https://21ideas.org/en/ 21ideas offers countless articles on #Bitcoin , supports ...


21ideas offers countless articles on #Bitcoin , supports #Nostr comments and welcomes everyone to take part in making Bitcoin easier to understand.

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My Lightning Wallets comparison is now available in English: https://21ideas.org/en/lightning-wallets/

The article is published on npub1lm3f47nzyf0rjp6fsl4qlnkmzed4uj4h2gnf2vhe3l3mrj85vqks6z3c7l - an educational platform we've been working on. 21ideas is open source, so you can suggest your improvements to articles and even the website. It is also the first educational website to support #Nostr comments 💜
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