Why Nostr? What is Njump?
2024-06-27 20:09:55
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ภ๏รtг๏ภคยt on Nostr: Everyone's got different levels of communication. But you see.... It's very hard to ...

Everyone's got different levels of communication. But you see....

It's very hard to communicate when;
everyones putting their own definitions to things opposed to going by the dictionary, like humble for instance.

So how do you communicate when words don't have definitions?

You cant.

And that's why all the LGBTQ folks just rage, name call, and deflect....and why I speak out openly against them.

One day people will see how the LGBTQ+pedo blanket promotes deteriorating communication by allowing people to make up meanings for words based on feelings, thus, ruining our ability as a nation to come together in cooperation to solve our nations problems, like homelessness and hunger.

It's literal rat poison but most arnt ready for that topics open conversation in fear of social/financial consequences.
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