Why Nostr? What is Njump?
2024-06-22 15:00:02
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SacredPeak (Dale) on Nostr: sure but I don't need George Soros to come up with a theory to know or understand ...

sure but I don't need George Soros to come up with a theory to know or understand that intuitively without the words.

i think that it's obvious and infers itself in the way things are.

that isn't to say the theory is bad or anything like that. i personally just don't find theory interesting.

intellectualization and theory are exactly how to get ding a ling a ling from the roshi in the Dokusan (interview) room and fail your koan that time... then you sit again, let it be a question, don't try, you merge with it it and suddenly boom you can say it or do it without theory, intimately in your own way or words.

(i'm not bashing school either, it has its place. theory is theory. reality isn't theory because it's real. and it doesn't stand still so theories fail as time goes along and things change. imo)

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