Why Nostr?What is Njump?
dsbatten / Daniel Batten
2024-03-18 00:56:00

dsbatten on Nostr: Left or right? I was recently reflecting that since getting involved in bitcoin, a ...

Left or right?
I was recently reflecting that since getting involved in bitcoin, a lot of the debates I used to have no longer make sense to me. Here’s my attempt to capture why.

You are a passenger on a ship. Your captain informs you "I have good news and bad news for you. Which would you like to hear first?"

Being an pragmatist, you opt for the bad news.

"The ship is sinking" he informs you

"Well, what's the good news?" you venture

"We have decided to give you the choice of which side of the ship you would like your cabin to be on"

In a world where the ship of the global fiat economy is sinking fast - old concepts like "left" and "right" are meaningless.

The question is not, “is the left or right side better”.
The question is "Where's the #%^*^‰ liferaft - and how can I get as many of my friends and family onto it as possible!?"

Of course, if you don't believe the ship is sinking, you'll stay on the ship and have debates with other passengers about which side of the ship is better.

Lifeboats tend to be colored orange. There are more seats on the boat available. But they are starting to fill up: their supply is, after all, limited.
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