Why Nostr? What is Njump?
2024-04-18 19:35:45

Tekkadan, The Next Satoshi on Nostr: I may be vegan but plenty of stuff is gross to me. What you see below is not what ...

I may be vegan but plenty of stuff is gross to me. What you see below is not what vegans eat. These are brightly colored vegetables. This is not a diet, it's just visual marketing on a plate. There is nothing sacred about broccoli. There are more plants in the world than vegetables.

Veganism is about ethical decisions. It's about supporting industries that care about the earth and about people.

I did not purchase this meal. It contains meat but it was gifted to me. I will never turn down a free meal but I will eat around the parts which I do not like.

In this case I ate rice and noodles which contained bits of meat.

I did not contribute to animal suffering. I also tried my best not to contribute to food waste. I hope my boss will eat the vegetables because they are soggy and gross.

Looking forward to Soylent later.

Until next time.

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