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bitcoinekasi / BitcoinEkasi
2024-03-30 08:19:29

bitcoinekasi on Nostr: Fun fact: The orange horns on our 'LaBitcoineta' #Bitcoin Land Cruiser are real Kudu ...

Fun fact:

The orange horns on our 'LaBitcoineta' #Bitcoin Land Cruiser are real Kudu horns and came from a bull that was hunted only days prior. When we painted the horns the skull was still moist after being skinned.

Kudu is a popular game animal and is often hunted to make biltong, a local cured meat delicacy.

On rare occasions, when Kudu bulls fight, they literally 'lock horns' with the spirals becoming entangled to the point that they cannot seperate.

If this happens, both males die of starvatiom.

The entire vehicle, including the horns element, was designed and executed by our incredibly talented in-house Special Projects Coordinator, ThinusXpressed (npub1fcp…ss9y)

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