Why Nostr? What is Njump?
2024-05-23 22:36:47
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Squeaky Frog on Nostr: My wife just finished her last round of chemotherapy for breast cancer this week. ...

My wife just finished her last round of chemotherapy for breast cancer this week. We've been going to the same treatment center just about every week since December. The number of people going through that place is astonishing. Hundreds of patients a week; it's always busy. You kind of expect to see the older folks there, but every time we've been there, there have been at least a few under-30s getting treatment, which is always kind of startling to see. Way more women than men getting treatment, too. I was expecting a roughly 50/50 mix, but it seemed more like 65/35 if I were to make a guesstimate.

But the worst sign is, when we started going, there were 32 treatment chairs. A couple of weeks ago, they added 8 more, which is really more than can comfortably fit in the space. That's a 20% increase in capacity, which they wouldn't invest in if they weren't expecting to need it. And it's going to make the nurses' jobs harder, and increase the likelihood of someone making a dangerous mistake. Not good at all.
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