Why Nostr? What is Njump?
2024-05-03 15:34:56
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Farley on Nostr: An effect rooted from centrally controlled money systems: Bribery is the act of ...

An effect rooted from centrally controlled money systems:

Bribery is the act of giving, offering, receiving, or soliciting something of value, such as money, gifts, or favors, to influence the actions or decisions of someone in a position of power or authority. It's a form of corruption that undermines fairness, impartiality, and the rule of law.

Examples of bribery include:

1. **Corporate Bribery**: A company offers money or gifts to government officials to secure lucrative contracts or favorable treatment.

2. **Political Bribery**: Politicians receive campaign contributions or personal gifts from individuals or organizations in exchange for legislative favors, contracts, or policy decisions.

3. **Judicial Bribery**: A judge accepts money or favors in exchange for favorable rulings or outcomes in legal cases.

4. **Police Bribery**: Law enforcement officers accept bribes to ignore illegal activities or to provide preferential treatment.

5. **Academic Bribery**: Students offer gifts or money to teachers or professors in exchange for better grades or academic favors.

6. **Sports Bribery**: Athletes, coaches, or referees receive bribes to manipulate the outcome of sporting events.

7. **International Bribery**: Companies or individuals pay bribes to foreign officials to secure business deals or permits in other countries.

Bribery is illegal in most countries and is punishable by law. It undermines trust in institutions, distorts markets, and fosters a culture of corruption.
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