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enur72 on Nostr: The remnants’ revenge - A pamphlet fuelled by hope Trust Scandinavia and in ...

The remnants’ revenge

- A pamphlet fuelled by hope


Scandinavia and in particular Norway is known as having a people that place a lot of trust in each other.

Many call this a valuable social capital.
Today I call it a liability.

Few ask where the trust come from and to whom trust was awarded.

Trust doesn’t appear by itself and it’s not something you own.

On the contrary, trust is something you have to earn and which you are bound to lose if you do the wrong thing.

It has been suggested that our harsh Nordic climate forced us to trust each other as this was necessary in order to survive.

This is in my opinion a crude and unsatisfactory explanation.

We know for sure that our tradition of trust predates the formation of the state.

And when we study history we see that the people, for good reason, had a fundamental distrust in people with power.

I’ve many times written about my ancestors in Trøndelag, the middle part of Norway, who had a legal obligation to kill any king who placed himself above the law.

This is the perfect example of distrusting the politicians as a matter of principle.

The Trønders probably knew that they would lose their freedom if they gave an ambitious king as much as an inch.

Instead these «resistance provisions,» as they were called, meant that the people built trust in each other, because those who abstained from hunting down the tyrant king would lose their friends and with that their security too.

“Join the fight against the state and we trust you. Be a free rider and we distrust you and despise you.”

I don’t know who came up with the idea that we ought to trust institutions such as the state or individuals such as politicians.

Those who succeeded with sowing the seeds of this idea in my culture must have had a hell of a marketing budget.

But the reality seems to be that someone where able to pull off this incredible feat – to make people start distrusting each other and instead trusting, or more precisely worshiping the state.

A Jens we better listen to

One of the best authors we’ve had in Norway, Jens Bjørnebo (1920 -1976), once said in a TV interview that:

“Power should be accompanied by chronic distrust.”

Bjørneboe was deeply sceptical to the Norwegian state’s accumulation of and use of power.

He was highly cherished by the people.
This included the gay community, which included Jens himself.

Sadly, no Norwegian author has been able to climb up on the throne that he sat on, being the uncontested Norwegian champion of anarchism.

Finally, some good news

All hope isn’t lost though.

We are still some remnants who are vocal about the ideas of individual liberty in this country.

And there are signs that gives us reason to cling on to our optimism.

The OECD recently published a survey on trust in government.

Reading that the share of Norwegian citizens who greatly trust the government dropped by 16 percentage points (64 to 48%) from 2021 to 2023 was highly satisfactory.

It might indicate that we see an awakening in my country.

When you read below what has been going on in Norway since World War II, you see my point about trust being a liability more clearly.

And the rapid decline in the trust in the government probably means that people begin to understand that the politicians gravely have abused what the people have given them.

Franklin D. Roosevelt, famous for his New Deal program, is probably the most socialist president that the US has ever had.

In the middle of WWII, on 16 September 1942, he gave a famous speech as he handed over the Royal Navy ship HNoMS King Haakon VII at the Washington Navy Yard.

Roosevelt said:

"If there is anyone who still wonders why this war is being fought, let him look to Norway. If there is anyone who has any delusions that this war could have been averted, let him look to Norway; and if there is anyone who doubts the democratic will to win, again I say, let him look to Norway."

Considering how ill prepared the Norwegian government was when Germany invaded us on 9 April 1940 as well as the widespread treason among highly ranked Norwegian officers, it can be discussed how honest the final part of the citation above was.

But Roosevelt was a trained liar, like most politicians, so what can you expect?

However, the problem with his speech was something else entirely, as «Look to Norway» would become a symbol that power-hungry Norwegians embraced as their own.

Egos on a cocktail of steroids and meth

Roosevelt’s punchy proclamation was turned into a slogan that to this day continues to fuel the hubris of Norwegian bureaucrats, politicians and hare-brained citizens.

This has since long become their mentality:

"Look to Norway. We have the best 'model'. We are a small nation, but learn from us and let us save the world."

Foreigners of course laugh at our pretentious Norwegian government f***ups who travel the world and meet with people with real power.

Study what such creepy career politicians as our former prime minister Jens Stoltenberg (current gen sec of Nato, lapdog of the American deep state) and today’s foreign minister Espen Barth Eide have said and done over the years, and you soon see my point.

Postwar politics in Norway

Let’s take a look at what has happened in Norway since Roosewelt gave his speech:

In 1945 the allies won the war.
The Norwegian people, on the other hand, lost the peace.

With the support from the US, our new government kept many of the intrusive measures that the Nazis had installed during their five years of occupation of Norway.

Price controls, rationing, real estate zoning, central planning of medicine and education, harassment of the Sami people, sterilization of the Romanis, government appointed statisticians running the economy - you name it.

It was the whole shebang of socialist policies.

The government didn't just keep the Nazis’ road map, they perfected it.

A crazy health tsar

It's noteworthy that they installed Karl Evang as director of the national directorate of health.

He was deep into eugenics, promoted the use of contraceptives heavily and became one of the founders of the World Health Organization.

Evang once wrote:

"The idea of limiting the number of people with weak genes is a perfectly rational thought that always has been in accordance with socialism. In the socialist planned community, this will be a natural part of preventive health work."

He kept his position until 1972, the year I was born.

If Evang had known back then what I was about to become, he would probably have given my parents the Romani treatment.

For good measure, our government appointed his brother, Vilhelm, as head of the intelligence service.

I guess they were both cut out to do the work necessary to make the dream of a socialist Norway come true.

When the schools and media still to this day refer to the socialist policies of the post-war period as «the rebuilding of Norway» you begin to see the level of gaslighting we’ve been exposed to.

Oil riches

The new ruling class set out to capitalize as much as possible on their power grab, and when oil reserves were discovered in the North Sea, the state's revenue and influence on people's lives grew enormously.

Most of the oil revenue is being pumped into what has become the world’s largest sovereign wealth fund.

As with our culture of high trust, everyone sees this fund, which is supposed to finance the government’s future pension obligations, as an important stock of public capital.

I, on the other hand, see the fund squarely as a liability.

Not only does it create perverse incentives for our politicians, see comments below.

In addition, it’s managed by billionaire Nicolai Tangen, who publicly has supported 100% inheritance tax.

More importantly, it makes the Norwegian state a perpetually growing attack vector.

The parasitic elite in Russia, the EU and the US probably lick their lips when they hear people speak about this fund.

I’ve since long argued that it should be divvied up and handed over to the citizens of Norway.

The result

Today we pay the highest taxes and have the highest debt to household income ratio in the whole world.

Due to the fatal EEA agreement of 1992, championed by “the mother of our nation” Gro Harlem Brundtland, former prime minister of Norway and director general of WHO, as well as her protégé Jens Stoltenberg, Norway is bound by a steady stream of EU clown world legislation, but we don't have any voting rights in Brussels and Strasbourg.

As NATO member we bomb cities with dark-skinned people in the Middle East and Africa whenever the US military-industrial complex wants us to.

We still have our own currency, the Norwegian krone, but its value has tanked.

We now pay about 100% more for the dollar and 50% more for the euro compared to 2008.

Once again, we see public capital being transformed into a liability.

Even economics professor Espen Gaarder Haug, a former golden boy on Wall Street, has joined our rank of rebels and calls the krone a shitcoin.

The "experts” – read; rent seeking bank economists – are already whispering about adopting the euro.

Apart from the NOK that our politicians don't give AF about, my country has in practice totally lost its sovereignty.

How to corrupt a whole nation

Our parasitic class has introduced a complex scheme of redistribution of economic resources, based on taxation, oil revenues, bread and circus.

It's called «the welfare system.»
In reality it's a corruption system that doles out confiscated shitcoins to citizens and syndicates.

This corruption system has moulded the people into becoming selfish subjects who fight tooth and nail to be the government’s darling rent seekers, while they fear and loath change and independent thinking.

The politicians happily corrupt themselves with throwing a non-stop party financed by a combination of taxes and income from the oil-pumped national pension fund.

The so-called “budgetary rule” says they can spend 3% of the pension fund every year.

Because the fund is obliged to invest all of its capital abroad, the rule means that the politicians have an even stronger incentive to debase our currency, as this gives them more to spend.

As a result, the government spends about two-thirds of mainland GDP.
Our private sector has become a playground for stupid masochists like myself.

What we see is a bunch of rats who plunder the sinking ship.

Emigration spike

Rich Norwegians say they are sick and tired of watching Norway’s downfall.

Therefore they pack the proceeds of their successful rent seeking activity in the rucksack, jump in the life rafts and set course for Switzerland.

Even Polish expats have begun returning to their homeland.

Young Norwegians increasingly see no future here, and the most talented flee to wherever they can find freedom.

Immigration floodwave

I am not against immigration.

From 1836 to 1915, some 750,000 Norwegians fled to the escape hatch called North America.

Without this option, they would have been trapped here in Norway, with much fewer options to seek happiness.

They relocated from a continent that rewarded corruption and nepotism to a continent that rewarded meritocracy.

Today this script has almost flipped on its head.

We have a grave problem with immigration in Norway now, as hundreds of thousands of immigrants from countries that has been destroyed by NATO bombs come here to suck milk from our generous welfare program.

Many of them turn into passive robots who just vote for more benefits.

Meaning, they integrate extremely well.

A minority of our new compatriots struggle with adapting, as they instead resort to pushing up our rape, armed robbery and murder statistics.

Sweden paved the way, by creating war zones dominated by criminal gangs from foreign countries.

But look to Norway, because soon we will outperform our neighbours.

How would Karl Evang have evaluated the outcome of his gang’s project?

In just 15 years, our birth rates have dropped like a stone, from 2.0 to 1.4 per woman.

The Norwegian version of Anthony Fauci would probably have seen this as a tremendous feat and punched his chest while he said with pride – “Look to Norway.”

The question is how he would have perceived the massive import of non-Aryan people.

Because immigration significantly outstrips emigration and outweighs the declining baby production, our public bureau of statistics estimates that the population grows from 5.4 million today to 6 million in 2050.

Considering that birth rates drop like a stone, the bureau’s numbers indicate a complete transformation of our society.
Being “Norwegian” soon becomes a nonsensical term.

Was this part of Karl Evang’s dream?

Or did he perhaps envision to on-board himself, Vilhelm and their friends on “Karl’s arch” and paddle to Atlantis?

The transformation

In my 51 years of having walked this earth, Norway has been transformed from being a relatively free society when I grew up in the 1970s and 1980s into becoming a dreadful socialist experiment, dressed up in drag queen costumes as some sort of “a modern democracy that embraces diversity”
In essence, a globalist form of woke socialism has taken over.

The proper description of this transformation is “frighteningly rapid and abhorrently ugly.”

The belief system

Yet, the biggest tragedy is that so many of my compatriots believe they are free.

Imagine that!

They still believe they are free men and women!

Or whatever they define themselves as, I can’t keep up with the multitude of pronounces they oblige us to use.

Without a doubt, they have become slaves to three masters, the state, the bank and their own brainwashed ego.

I don't accept it

The political class is 100% responsible for our tragedy.

But we, the people, are to blame for letting them do this to us.

We slept while the busy bees worked overtime to tear down our society.

We must repent, update our software, reject any attempt at creating new divides, find common ground, rediscover the value of cooperation against power-mongers and fight this evil before it’s too late.

Our kids should leave

I've told my daughter to go abroad.

She doesn’t have any responsibility for what we have let the ruling class do to our country.

Our kids should hand over to my generation the task of cleaning up this mess.

She understands how serious the situation is, and that picking up the bill the older generations try to send to her isn’t an option.

Therefore, next year she leaves, 19 years old.

I hope she finds happiness.

And I hope her generation has at least twice as many babies as my generation had.

That would be the most beautiful revenge imaginable.

I see hope

The OECD survey on trust in the government is a catastrophe for the political class, but welcome news for the rest of us.

Who knows, with this speedy drop in trust the people of Norway might soon embrace my #RebelUp slogan and wave goodbye to experimenting with the social fabric.

Returning to our roots, where we despise ambitious people who seek power, is a much better option.

I solemnly pledge

In recognition of the fact that it is my daughter's generation who owns the future and that all of them have a fundamental right to freedom - I'll make the following vow:

I will continue to fight this battle of ideas against the parasitic class.

I will do what I can to cure my people of the socialist/globalist/woke brain virus which they unleashed upon us.

I will do everything in my power to restore among my people the spirit our ancestors used to have a long time ago.

And if many fight for the same cause and we succeed, I hope our kids and grandkids come back some day in the future and visit us.

Because Norway is a fantastically beautiful country.

And it belongs to us – the Norwegians.


Let me finish by recycling some of Roosevelt's own words:

If there is anyone who still wonders why this war is being fought, let him look to Norway.

If there is anyone who has any delusions that this war could have been averted, let him look to Norway.

And if there is anyone who doubts the remnants' will to win this battle of ideas, let him look to Norway.


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Make sure to include the whole text and credit the rebel who wrote it, so that we can avoid any misunderstanding about my intentions or who’s to blame for the ensuing rage it might provoke.

All the best,
Rune Østgård

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