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2024-10-05 02:00:35

SimplifiedPrivacy.com on Nostr: Google is Totalitarian. The police dragged Google’s internal employees out of the ...

Google is Totalitarian.

The police dragged Google’s internal employees out of the building in handcuffs, just to get them to stop protesting.

As we’ll get to in a moment, that’s just the visible physical world, the real censorship you never hear about is digital.

This article directly benefits you, because you need persuasive examples to convince your friends, co-workers, or family to stop using Gmail or docs. It takes two to tango.

In this juicy article, we’ll cover:
a) Election Manipulation
b) Surveillance and Substitution to “Program the population”
c) Removal of Dictionary Translation Words for politics
d) Blocking the keywords “cure cancer”
e) Suppression of small businesses, even unrelated to politics
f) Firing and arresting their own employees

Manipulated Elections

It likely won’t surprise you to hear that Google and it’s employees are among the biggest donors to Kamala Harris, with well over a million in donations, but yet they have given zero to Donald Trump. [1] But what you may not be aware of, is even mid-level employees are confessing to abusive election manipulation.

Ad Manipulation

In a leaked viral video, Google’s Growth strategy employee Dakota Leazer, openly admits to a stranger on a dinner date that the company actively manipulates the ad results to favor Kamala Harris. Their manipulation strategy is to pretend that ads that Kamala is paying for, are from third parties such as PBS to hide the bias in her favor. In this leaked video, Leazer confesses the company looks to ABUSE FEAR tactics in anti-Trump ads to make more money. [2]


There are so many whistleblowers we can not even cover them all. Zach Vorhies, was an engineer who worked for Google’s AI and search divisions. He was so shocked by their totalitarian manipulation of search results, that he leaked over 900 pages of Google slides, emails, and memos to the DoJ. These documents show how they purposefully surpress certain news outlets, viewpoints, and data. [3a]

SEO is a Lie

Many people mistakenly think that Google ranks news articles based on how many keywords or inbound links they get or match. Vorhies leaked internal slides clearly demonstrate the truth behind SEO, which is that each news outlet is given a direct ranking score, based on management making a subjective opinion on the “channel’s quality”. The largest factor in the rankings is how much it aligns with the political views they wish to push: [3b]

Removing Translation Words

The cataylst for Zach Vorhies to speak out, was when he saw Google removing translation words from the Arabic to English translation dictonary, for the purpose of making Donald Trump’s tweets seem crazy. Then in coordination with the legacy media, the 25th Amendment could be invoked to argue Trump was unfit for the presidency, because he was tweeting nonsense. [3b]

Profit from Violence

As I have pointed out previously, Google is a military cloud contractor. Given what we learned from both Vorhies and Leazer’s testimony, it is not unreasonable to think that, in the future, they would remove Russian or Arabic translation words to prevent peace, as Google profits from war.


Program People

Also within these leaked documents, was clear references to “programming people”. As Vorhies explained in an interview on the Jim Rutt podcast, the goal was to serve the user the inputs (via search results), and have them produce their own content (writing/podcasts/videos) as the outputs. Then this user produced content could be promoted by the algorithm, to reinforce the belief that the agenda Google’s executives picked was widespread and societal. [3b]

Fake Buttons

Zach Vorhies also leaked internal memos suggesting that a method to make users feel comfortable with censorship, was to give them fake buttons, to give users a false sense of control. The idea was to give the users fake dials that didn’t work, or did some minor trivial change. So the user felt like they were still in control, even though the censorship remained. [3b]

Cure Cancer Blacklisted

Vorhies slides discuss the blacklisted search phrases that can’t produce real results on Youtube. Shockingly this includes “cure cancer” and “cancer cure”. Not any particular person with bad information, but the entire idea. Likely this is because Big Pharma buys search ads.

Selling Manipulation

By talking about this, I risk having our entire business suppressed.

Moonshot CVE

Google’s Jigsaw division has partnered with Moonshot CVE to sell search engine manipulation services to the US government. They openly store IP addresses, addresses, names (if they can get it), and search queries for the general population. And then if they label you an “extremist”, forward your traffic to what they deem to be the truth. [9][10]


And what defines “extremist views”? They pretend that it’s just violence, but it extends far beyond that to include vaccine hesitancy, researching Waco, distrust of harder immigration policies, and gender views. They are comparing violent jihad extremists to questioning the covid “vaccines”, immigration, or gender surgery on social media. And treating them the same as terrorists in their redirect program. [10][11]

Leaked Github code shows they use Chrome Browser to track real time clicks and movement on pages, which makes it easier to manipulate you: [5]

Even Gmail

Some mistakenly think that because they aren’t a public Youtube figure, they will be allowed to speak. But Google surpresses even Gmail from eldlerly citizens. A 76-year-old woman in Jacksonville is suing Google for deplatforming her about an hour after she emailed members of her pro-life group calling for a peaceful Catholic Mass and gathering in front of A Woman’s Choice, an abortion business in Florida. [4a]

11 Years Lost

“Trudy Perez-Poveda says Google targeted her after she sent the correspondence through Gmail. Google refused to allow Perez-Poveda to access her more than 11-year trove of stored emails, photographs, calendars, contacts and other data, her attorneys say.” [4b]

Even not political

Github Leak

Some mistakenly think that because they aren’t talking about politics, they will be given a fair opportunity in life. However, leaked Github API code demonstrates that Google’s algorithm openly favors larger corporations for SEO, even if the smaller blogger offered more specialized expertise. [5]

Even worse, the leaked code showed there was literally a sandbox for smaller websites, despite Google employees previously denying this.

Oppress Small Businesses

Detailed and elaborate research from the small business “HouseFresh” on their own SEO, demonstrates Google’s incredible bias against smaller competitors, even if their prices are lower and their product is objectively of higher quality. [6]

Degrade Search

In a different study entitled “Is Google degrading search?”, Yelp’s statistical researcher, Tim Wu, focused on eCommerce and found Google promoted it’s own content above organic results, but when objectively tested, audiences were 45% more likely to engage with search results that were organically determined. [7]

Google is a raging hypocrite because they both:
a) Manipulate the results to favor Democrat politicians, who supposedly want to end inequality
b) Manipulate the results to favor large businesses at the expense of smaller ones, which literally creates inequality

Silence their own employees

Over 50 internal employees were fired for protesting Google’s work to design AI that murders Palestinians by drone. [8a] Eight had to be arrested to get them to stop protesting. [8b]

Only after the police dragged these employees out in handcuffs, and Google’s management released statements about removing opinions from the workplace, was the company able to continue their profitable Palestinian AI-drone slaughter.

Let’s bring it home…

Google’s only power exists in your mind.

It’s only because you use their services, do they have any control over you. It’s hard to avoid given other people’s choices, but not impossible. This article gave you some sources and ammo to persuade those who try to force you. But you’ve got to spin it in terms the person you’re trying to convince cares about. I believe in you.

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