Why Nostr?What is Njump?
2023-11-11 21:06:51
in reply to nevent1q…7j6f

OgFOMK ArTS on Nostr: I did go to Wikipedia. I had to humble my arrogant position. I've concluded that the ...

I did go to Wikipedia. I had to humble my arrogant position. I've concluded that the calendar is a convenient mess. Since the Earth isn't actually stationary and our solar system is moving the seasons, days, hours and minutes to seconds are SWAGs, Scientific Wild-Ass Guesses.

I also had to ask myself the question, "Is this information meant to frustrate me?" I have to entertain this as there is no story teller in the melee of data.

In fact I'm the story teller. So are you. So is everyone. The also part is that there is natural law which has change built in. Personally I have learned that my anger is based on my inability to accept that things are not the way I think they should be and are. That's a heavy duty burden of sadness.

Instead of sadness I need to see that I'm lacking the skill and knowledge to navigate and I'm going to not make it to the shore. I've hitched up my raft, bitched about life and gone out beyond the surf. The North Star eventually will be replaced by something else. Observation leads to gnosis. Meanwhile the central planners are naming the eighth month after Augustus and the children are confused about October.

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