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2024-04-28 09:51:59

Littlepixie on Nostr: Good morning #Nostr ☀️ I haven't been here lately but now it is time for little ...

Good morning #Nostr ☀️

I haven't been here lately but now it is time for little #chickenstr updated. 🐓

Two weeks ago we got 3 new chickens (already have 4 old one). First days we allow only some old one to sleep in chicken coop. But now they are all sleep together and only making two flocks during the day. Fortunately we have big garden, so free ranging is great fir them both.

Yesterday arrived new broilers chickens (Ross 308). We got 11 of them and they should be ready to eat in 6-8 weeks. First 3 weeks they will be in home and then in garden as well. It is our first time to trying rise them. But it is great so far (chickens are in our "guest" room so we spend plenty of time watching them). 🐤 Today they only had 50g but they should grow really fast.

At the afternoon we will make chicken tractor and I will plant some vegetables.

Have a great day all ☀️

#chickenstr #homestead #permaculture

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