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thebitcoinway / The Bitcoin Way
2023-09-19 20:17:34

thebitcoinway on Nostr: Tax on every move we make, it seems so vast, A burden heavy, like a shadow cast. ...

Tax on every move we make, it seems so vast,
A burden heavy, like a shadow cast.
Invisible hands reach for every dime,
Leaving many with less in their prime.

While taxes can feel like an endless maze,
They're how society runs in modern days.
Efforts for change persist, and voices demand,
A system that's fair, across the land.

Escape the tax, some dream of it anew,
With Bitcoin's promise, a path they pursue.
No risks, they hope, just freedom to thrive,
In this digital world, where fortunes arrive.

To exit the tax, in Bitcoin we trust,
A path worth exploring, a future robust. 🧡
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