Why Nostr? What is Njump?
2023-08-19 19:45:58

Squeaky Frog on Nostr: You know those plastic spikes they put on top of signs and buildings to keep birds ...

You know those plastic spikes they put on top of signs and buildings to keep birds from perching there? Well, it seems that magpies are now ripping them off and building nests out of them. Be like the magpie! Become ungovernable, and use the tools of the system against it...

I know the mascot of Nostr is the ostrich, but I nominate the magpie as runner-up, in the event that the ostrich cannot carry out its mascot duties.

Magpies are very intelligent and known to collect and keep objects they deem valuable. They're nature's hodlers. They also will give gifts of shiny objects to people they like. This bird *is* Nostr!

#grownostr #hodl #birds
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