Why Nostr?What is Njump?
Lucky Kite /
2024-05-09 15:53:56
in reply to nevent1q…wxrx

Lucky Kite on Nostr: Why is Monero privacy only for people who use darknet? Its such a silly logic to say ...

Why is Monero privacy only for people who use darknet? Its such a silly logic to say you prefer Bitcoin as it has weaker privacy/darkenet associations. kind of begs the question, why not use something even LESS private and LESS darknet asociated like paypal or visa. Either you want good privacy or you don't. Privacy isn't only for darknet users, its for law abiding citizens too . If you don't want privacy what IS the point in bitcoin? Just to profiteer at rising prices? Because that is its only remaining utility if privacy is not.
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