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2024-08-19 14:58:37

BRBitcoinapolis on Nostr: Bitcoin: "Bitcoin Core: Protecting Open Source" Subhead: "The 5 Horsemen" Jack Dorsey ...

Bitcoin: "Bitcoin Core: Protecting Open Source"
Subhead: "The 5 Horsemen"

Jack Dorsey is my goto guy for Open Source. I have struggled on Social Media, especially X, it's all so "empty" exactly as Dorsey has explained repeatedly. It's about Free Will not Free Speech. So, why the Hell am I still on X with my ridiculous Blue Check? I am trying to get to NOSTR only (aside from snarky replies on X, that's my infotainment.)

I am older, first year Gen X, like Sayloris , but I am three months younger. Dorsey is so right on all his Open Source, Saylor is so right on Bitcoin. Both men can't be similar experts as I addressed via the previous "Thank you Note to Odell" post. Damn that podcast meant a lot to me.

I am a 27 year volunteer national level Patient Advocate in cancer, I just explained last week to a group of world known Hematologists/Clinicians/Pathologists/Radiologists, after they asked me a question about how to talk to other Advocates . I explained how the first 7 years of my advocacy, I learned from a lens of anger and desperation. When I started to learn I could communicate with anyone on the subject, my emotions subsided and I was invited behind the scenes. I WAS TOTALLY WRONG on most of my assumptions.

Most of you aren't interested in Cancer, perhaps just like I wasn't either, completely complacent. "We all have to die of something..." I won't scold, I was exactly like you before my wife, then 31, diagnosed with incurable Stage IV cancer. She's alive, thanks to wildly diving into the data and learning all I could about her disease. I am so grateful, so now I am learning all I can about Bitcoin using the same techniques I did to learn about cancer.

Yes, I am wordy. I am a walking talking TLDR, but my motto is "if you can't fix it, feature it." It works for me and I quote a 'study' done the early Internet days. The premise was "the more information people have at their disposal the more overwhelmed they will be."

The conclusion, "those with the most information were THRIVING."

Bitcoin is my hobby.

Cancer taught me Health over Wealth.

Like with cancer, there's the Generalists and the Specialists. If you are a Generalist, you know a little about each letter in the alphabet, perhaps like a surgeon needs to know. As a Specialist you are a generalist too, but you are are experts in one or a couple letters.

Perhaps you specialize in Brain Cancer?

Regardless, people spend their entire lives looking for a trusty car mechanic, but when they get a life threatening cancer diagnosis, they go to 'the doctor.' Some generalist? Close by?

If I could sum up almost three decades:
1) If it's your radiator go to a radiator specialist
2) In the past I'd say get a 2nd opinion at least, now with AI I am hoping in the future you can get a million opinions on your Diagnosis. Using the data from people just like you who had the same diagnosis?

So how the HELL does this relate to Bitcoin? Like with cancer there is an entire Bitcoin alphabet and there are generalists and specialists. Some of you know a little about each letter and some of you know a lot about certain letters.

I am looking for the expert on this Letter:

Bitcoin Core (and why at this point I promote Bitcoin Knots, misguided?)

I am only in my first 4 years of Bitcoin so I know I am still learning and unenlightened. Perhaps there is a similar anger so I really want feedback not validation.

Like with cancer, I am a hack with my Bitcoin knowledge.

However, to me the giant red flag was when Udi was on stage at a previous 'Bitcoin' event (for the record I have 0 trust in Bitcoin Magazine and their employees. Like with cancer, parasites make money off the disease. Misguided?)

As I try to become a Bitcoin generalist what is Bitcoin Core from a people standpoint?

My concern is the most obvious, people are the weak link in code, projects.

It comes down to an anonymous quote from a college textbook to me:

"Computers are incredibly fast, incredibly accurate, and dumb. People are incredibly slow, incredibly inaccurate, and smart."
- Anonymous

Are we smart with Bitcoin Core? Why don't we know the 5 people who hold the keys to software that runs the Bitcoin network? There are a lot of checks and balances

Trust is what motivates and challenges us to be experts.

Some of you techies are too cool to focus on the teachings or efforts of others who you deem not worthy because they are not techie enough for your taste. However, there are lessons to be learned in other letters of the Bitcoin alphabet, namely those experts on Bitcoin Communication.

They teach you, your EQ is just as important as your IQ.

For instance, Natalie Brunell:
"Gloria Zhao on Bitcoin Network Defense: Core Developers, Decentralized Nodes, and Emerging Tech Threats... "

My notes are, Gloria Zhao is one of the 5 Bitcoin Core key holders. We trust them until we can't. I really liked how her biggest fear is "how people perceive Bitcoin Core."

But it wasn't until she said 'why' did it resonate with me, she used an example of some people who give Bitcoin Core a bad name, as they are over the top with their approach.


Was she talking Udi and those who support him like Bitcoin Magazine and, Starknet?

The latter matters, I have written about it a lot. It's a problem when VCs infiltrate 'open source.'


I get it. But I also understand how the first Oncologist/Hematologist told me "You will burn out in 2 months, I see husbands like you all the time."

Yeah, that was 27 years ago Mother Fucker, while most of my anger has subsided on cancer, your words still motivate me today. Thank you. I take comfort knowing you are retired and I don't have to go to any more funerals of your patients. (I went to 3.) Thankfully it will never be my wife's funeral and it sure would have been if we didn't fire your ass. You weren't a specialist in her cancer and yet you graced the cover of Minneapolis Saint Paul Magazines as if you were? (See "Bitcoin Magazine?", it matters.)

Thank you for the motivation, thank you to the actual experts who know how to use their EQs and IQs to help.

Thank you Bitcoin Experts. Thank you 5 Horsemen of Bitcoin Core?

Sign me,
- Four year Bitcoin Advocate learning the basics as the Hack I am

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