Why Nostr?What is Njump?
Derek Ross
2024-04-18 18:53:50

Derek Ross on Nostr: Not your keys, not your notes. ZBD no longer allows ZBD Developer credentials to be ...

Not your keys, not your notes. ZBD no longer allows ZBD Developer credentials to be used for signing into their ZBD Social app. That would be fine, but I previously had setup a test derekross (npub13uu…naq2) there. Since that account can no longer be used, this Nostr profile can no longer be used. Where's my nsec for that profile? What happened to it? Why can I not export it from my developer console?

"Commencing on February 19, 2024, we will be discontinuing the usage of Developer Dashboard login credentials to access the ZBD Mobile App. As a result, we kindly request you to take a moment to register for a new ZBD Mobile App account, ensuring seamless access to our platform."

This highlights why it's important to take custody of your keys. This highlights why it's important to be in charge of your own identity. This highlights the true importance of Nostr. If a client doesn't allow you to export your key, be wary. Stay safe out there, Nostriches!
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