Why Nostr? What is Njump?
2024-06-22 01:31:20
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bostonwine on Nostr: I feel you. I enjoy spicy food, up to a moderately hot level. Where you can taste the ...

I feel you. I enjoy spicy food, up to a moderately hot level. Where you can taste the specific pepper’s flavor profile, fruit notes, spice, how the heat moves across the palate. Kind of like wine tasting 😂

But when it’s just too hot, like punched in the mouth with hot broken glass, and the heat/pain overwhelms any culinary experience… that just sucks.

I’m sure someone would say that’s just a tolerance thing, and that they can still taste the profile despite the heat, maybe. Idk.

It’s gotta be balanced. Otherwise it’s just a sad distraction lol

Drink a glass of whole milk. Or eat some cheese or pork belly. Fat bonds to the capsaicin and will help “pull” the molecules out of your tongue’s heat receptors. At least I’m pretty sure that’s why it works 🫡
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