Why Nostr? What is Njump?
2024-06-06 05:53:08
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Bit 🐳 Ish on Nostr: A little known task force broke off from the IRS in 1939. They were originally tasked ...

A little known task force broke off from the IRS in 1939. They were originally tasked with the physical confiscation of gold from the American public following Executive Order 6102.

It was easy at first, coercing the public to give up their gold willingly. But six years in, the easy pickings were long since plucked. A staunch holdout of known hodlers was identified.

The IRS needed to move to bolder tactics but they couldn't be seen as strong arming citizens. Thus a task force was spun off which could resort to alternative psychological subterfuge and siphon the last remaining gold wealth by any means necessary.

This groups tactic was to influence politics to willingly debase the dollar. By financially starving out the hodlers, they would eventually be forced to sell their gold. They bet they could weather a financial death spiral longer than their enemy. The cost of a global total financial collapse was inconsequential to their mission.

Taxation in all forms was paramount to the leaching of America. Combating the plebians by any memes necessary through propaganda and subliminal mind control.

Thus the SAI (Steal Allofyo Income) Agency was born.

A young ace agent from the SAI was cryofrozen and sent 69 years into the future. The SAI was wise to predict the plebians would rise up and rally around a rogue money. I have it on good authority that today, that very SAI agent is amongst us on the nostr... hiding in plain sight... waiting to capture the remaining wealth.
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