Why Nostr? What is Njump?
2024-04-07 22:21:55

tigs on Nostr: Fucking hear hear!! ...

Fucking hear hear!!
Marie my friend, your hellthreads are a riot. It’s like a bunch of people all of a sudden wake up and realize they’re at a party and hadn’t even realized it.

Anyone is free to come and go, but it can be a fun place to hang and it’s so clearly done with good intent.

Does it destroy my notifications for a few days? Sure. But clients do (and/or should) provide users a way to manage any frustration.

More importantly, it brings people together. I reconnect with nostriches I haven’t talked to in months, thanks to these threads. I find new people to follow. And I laugh my ass off at some of the replies.

To me, the only shortcoming is that we can’t make it even bigger. (Seriously). Hurt feelings aside, I believe there are plenty of people who would appreciate being included simply to meet new peoples enjoy the the lolz. And if someone wants out, it’s easy. (You’re also considerate so I’m sure if someone asks to be left off the next one, you’ll gladly oblige).

Keep it up. Not too frequently 😉 but also keep ‘em coming. It adds value.

Love you 💜🫂🤙🫡
Author Public Key