Why Nostr? What is Njump?
2024-01-25 20:51:16

Tracy on Nostr: Do you remember when Obama called a subset of Americans 'bitter clingers?' He was ...

Do you remember when Obama called a subset of Americans 'bitter clingers?' He was talking about guns and religion. Arguably two deeply American values that make the US great.

The bitter clingers are them - the politicians.

We're ruled by a gerontocracy - Joe Biden is 81, Trump, 77, Pelosi, 83 and Feinstein died while in office at 90 years old. These ancient, out-of-touch people are clinging to power by their brittle fingernails.

And there's really no way to get rid of them with our broken system. Bitter sept- and octogenarians that tell us how we should live in the modern world.

We will work around them or through them if we must.

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