Why Nostr? What is Njump?
2024-05-06 01:31:03
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uxellodunum on Nostr: I've been thinking about this as well. Here are my thoughts so far: First, over the ...

I've been thinking about this as well.
Here are my thoughts so far:

First, over the next decade I think we'll further define, cement, and make mass-aware the differences between anonymity and privacy.
It's hard to have both, but it's also hard to make the case for one and not the other. Technologies like Bitcoin and nostr are pushing this, as is the amount of force in the push for anti-privacy by governments and even corps.

Second, might take longer than a decade, but I think the ad-based, data-mining, revenue model is proving to be rotten and it's starting to crumble.
The ad-based model was chosen as an easy exploitation of the internet when it reached the masses - But was never designed to be sustainable. Data-mining specifically will be the hardest of the practices to get rid of and is why educating people on anonymity vs privacy is important, but is also why platforms that allow for those will be the first line of defense. It's just not sustainable as people reclaim their rights to sovereignty. It's precisely why so many consider nostr a different internet altogether - It's the accessibility in running related infrastructure.

Of course, all this hinges on the people actually wanting to fight for rights and sovereignty that was lost over time, on people equally accepting responsibility they once let go of.

Overall, you can absolutely monetize things solely off of digital data, but it's hard to do so without an anchor to a real-world identity - The where, the when, doesn't have to be the who, otherwise you can't ensure data-relevance for whatever you're selling or buying - Those that choose anonymity, even on nostr, may well win out here.

One thing to consider also... Would a form of PoW implementation potentially help in stopping monetization crawlers as it does against spamming, for instance, within communities? 🤔
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