Why Nostr?What is Njump?
newtonick / Nick Klockenga
2024-04-20 17:42:54
in reply to nevent1q…9vuj

newtonick on Nostr: My statement about “not being easy” isn’t an excuse about security. I was ...

My statement about “not being easy” isn’t an excuse about security. I was stating that finding more open hardware and then building on it is not easy when the SeedSigner project is made of volunteers who occasionally get direct donations and small grants (via HRF).

I respect the hustle and products coinkite sells. I use a cold card in my own multisig setup. Multi vendor multi sig is 🚀

Much of your past rhetoric directed at the SeedSigner project makes it hard to believe you have respect for any of the contributors. You and I probably have more we agree on than we disagree about. However IMO the SeedSigner project makes practical trade offs that add values in helping Bitcoiners secure their saving.
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