Why Nostr? What is Njump?
2024-04-04 05:02:53

tigs on Nostr: Absolutely spot on and brilliant! Thank you sir! ...

Absolutely spot on and brilliant! Thank you sir!

While attending the first cohort of Sovereign Engineering I was able to observe how some people are able to accomplish more in a week than others do in a year.

We all have varying levels of intelligence and capabilities, but adopting a professional approach to life is like taking these gifts and strapping them to a rocket.

The best way to describe what this professional approach looks like is to compare it to that of the amateur:

Amateurs think knowledge is power. Professionals freely pass on their wisdom and advice.

Amateurs blame others. Professionals accept responsibility.

Amateurs believe that the world should work the way they want it to. Professionals realise that they have to work with the world as it is.

Amateurs focus only on speed. Professionals focus on speed and direction.

Amateurs clutch to a safety net which holds them back. Professionals let go.

Amateurs are intermittent. Professionals are consistent.

Amateurs focus on the very next thing. Professionals ask “then what?”.

Amateurs worry about what they can see. Professionals worry about what they can’t see.

Amateurs focus on being right. Professionals focus on the result.

Amateurs wait until they feel like it. Professionals do it when they don’t feel like it.

Amateurs rely on willpower. Professionals focus on creating an environment that turns desired behaviours into default behaviours.

Amateurs value doing it once. Professionals value doing it consistently.

Amateurs focus on the outcome. Professionals focus on the process.

Amateurs see feedback and coaching as someone criticising who they are. Professionals know they have blind spots and seek out thoughtful criticism.

Amateurs wait for someone to recognise them, tap them on the shoulder, and give them a big opportunity. Professionals just go out and show people what they’re capable of and DGAF if people recognise them or not.

Amateurs want to win the battle. Professionals want to win the war.

Amateurs stop when they achieve something. Professionals view the initial achievement as a launchpad for the next step.

Amateurs focus on dividing the pie. Professionals focus on growing the pie.

Amateurs have goals. Professionals have a system.

Amateurs are kinda-in. Professionals are all-in.

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