Why Nostr? What is Njump?
2024-04-04 23:53:24

LeviWritesBooks on Nostr: ...

Success tips for strategist personality types,
especially NT's on the Meyers-Briggs psychometric assessment:

Diversification is trading winners for losers.

You're more than intelligent enough to analyze the options and select the path that holds the most mini-max potential.

You are capable of making strategic choices that change the course of history for the next 1000 years, at least.

People may say focus is the key to success. Yes, focus pertains to action, carrying on a certain focused action for several minutes at a time.

But another aspect of focus is deciding which mini-max strategic course of action to take for the next 10 or 20 or 100 years.

I have a power production business. I could diversify my power production into solar and hydro and wind for instance, but I'm focusing 100% on solar.

MAYBE when my solar power production is built out to over 90% of my lands' surface area, I'll consider adding hydro or wind or geothermal, but not until then. Focusing on solar power production for the next 10 years or so has increased my clarity of action substantially because I'm not trying to make all things happen at once.

In the sense of intellectually and selectively focusing on 1 form of power production, it is only then that I'm able to narrow down my field of options to what is going to maximize solar power production, and then execute on that option for years to come, that enables me to win financially and personally (since engineering and designing and building solar power systems is fun for me.)

This selection has knock on effects for every area of my life as a husband and father and friend and businessman, because I enjoy engaging in the focus of my 40 year selection / concentrated bet.

Strategic selection and action focus is what leads to success financially and personally. Instead of diversification to try to obtain a sense of security to avoid losing, it's a better idea to select a single focus and execute on it for 40 years in order to win.

Diversification is losing slowly, because it is trading winners for losers. The closer your concentrated bet comes to timelessness, the more solid your bet.

Strategic selection and action focus as it relates to your temperament and what brings you joy and into flow, is what produces regular wins in the short term and the long term.

Today I submit to you diversification or focus (concentration),
to lose or to win.
Select to win, so that you and your descendants may live.
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