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Kolomona / Sir Libre
2023-09-08 01:26:04

Kolomona on Nostr: Please give my new show a listen and help me promote it. Announcing Sir Libre's ...

Please give my new show a listen and help me promote it.

Announcing Sir Libre's "Lightning Thrashes" a new v4v music show / podcast featuring the most heavy metal and rockin' songs that I can find.



Search for "Lightning Thrashes" in your favorite value enabled podcast player or subscribe directly to the rss feed https://sirlibre.com/lightning-thrashes-rss.xml
Join the value 4 value music revolution!

Please help me find more v4v songs that I can play!

#value4value #v4v #alby #music #musicstr #lightning #grownostr #metal #HeavyMetal
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