Why Nostr?What is Njump?
giacomozucco /
2023-04-05 18:07:17
in reply to nevent1q…x3vm

giacomozucco on Nostr: Another thing that pushed me to review my semi-serious Las Vegas speech was this ...

Another thing that pushed me to review my semi-serious Las Vegas speech was this presentation by Sergej Kotliar, where he separated (imo correctly) "Bitcoin the tool" from "Bitcoin the movement", but in a way that triggered a lot my Venn-related autism, because he ascribed to the "movement" only the subset of cultural idiosyncrasies I would ascribe to the "Austrian/Maximalism" subculture ("low time preference", "HODL", "NgU", "no shitcoins", "hyperbitcoinization fixes this", etc), and to the "tool" some memes that are imo very much part of the cypherpunk subculture ("privacy", "dissidents", "wikileaks"), itself very much part of the "movement", not of the "tool", which I think would instead include, from a pragmatic PoV, most of the gambling-related uses Sergej call "the Casino":
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