Why Nostr?What is Njump?
South China Morning Post /
2024-05-20 06:32:30
in reply to nevent1q…xmyw

South China Morning Post on Nostr: nostr:note1nr2vezve5dspnnupujn8hp59dxhxxx992kuynzlahernl637zkxqlhc847

Hong Kong Taxi Association Urges Police to Handle Unlicensed Ride-Hailing Services
#5bcb625e ver:0.35

Hong Kong Taxi Association urges police to handle unlicensed ride-hailing services, as taxi drivers should not take matters into their own hands. The association calls for the government to issue licenses for premium taxi fleets to improve services and reduce demand for ride-hailing. #HongKong #TaxiAssociation #RideHailing...

#newstr #HongKong #TrafficViolations #IllegalTaxis #Hitandrun #Uber #TaxiIndustry

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