Why Nostr?What is Njump?
bostonwine / Boston Wine
2024-05-20 06:25:06
in reply to nevent1q…0hp6

bostonwine on Nostr: Hidden Repression was one of the most eye-opening books I have read in my adult life. ...

Hidden Repression was one of the most eye-opening books I have read in my adult life.

I was generally aware of some of the basics - mostly through what you wrote about in some of the pieces that formed CYFP, but I had not fathomed the scope of the systematic and deeply entrenched financial repression that allows the dollar to hold its value, or the negative externalities born by real people I may never meet that make it as easy as it is for me to type this message on an iPhone right now.

Alex, yours are two of the first books I recommend when discussing Bitcoin. It removes the common lens of “crypto-Lambo-investment-advice” and instead shows anyone with a heart and a brain that humanity needs a new way.
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