Why Nostr? What is Njump?
2024-04-04 01:33:27

Bitcoin Carlin on Nostr: I want you here I genuinely do. But I hate this victim mentality stuff. It’s pure ...

I want you here I genuinely do. But I hate this victim mentality stuff. It’s pure Marxism.

No one handed us this protocol. We made it because we didn’t like the status quo.

It’s literally an open protocol and you can literally make your own female space if you choose to. It just requires sweat equity and competence.

I’m tired of this mindset like men are going out of their way to hold women down. It’s simply not the case and even if it were I promise there were plenty of Daniel Plainview archetypes that made their way in spite and who probably were more oppressed than most women. The victim hood stuff just holds you back. At some point you gotta just build because you’re one of very few that cares about your grievances. Welcome to freedom tech.
I think it’s easy to say just mute the person. But if you don’t have the lived experience of being a woman, or being part of a marginalized group, you will never understand our experience, especially what it’s like to be on nostr.

I love nostr AND it’s challenging to be here because it feels like (again, from my perspective) another man’s world; built by men, for men, that only men will truly benefit from (if you feel defensive after reading that, you may want to self-reflect on why).

I understand the purpose and updates being made consistently. But without some type of protection from the /harassment/hate, I just can’t see nostr expanding the ways it’s envisioned.

I appreciate the men on here that have been kind to me and have my back. You’re the only reason I’ve stayed 🫂

And please don’t come for me, I’m tired today 😂

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