Why Nostr?What is Njump?
rafael_xmr / rafael ɱonero 🇧🇷
2024-05-19 14:44:33
in reply to nevent1q…3ma0

rafael_xmr on Nostr: I agree. When I think of how I would make a p2p dex platform, the app would be just a ...

I agree. When I think of how I would make a p2p dex platform, the app would be just a map, like https://btcmap.org, then users would create trades based on location, and the users are expected to take a trade, go to the location, and exchange the asset (BTC, XMR) for cash, face to face. Not only this simplifies the experience, also solves the issues of trusting digital transfers, banks, etc, and could probably be gamified to look like Uber, Pokemon GO, then it's just a matter of having the app on your phone, and being like "I am going to the mall, I wonder if a XMR trader will be there so I can just take some Monero and after trading make my purchases with Cash there" or vice versa, with the goal to also build strong connections closer to you as we never know how many around us actually want to participate in the same system or not
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