Why Nostr? What is Njump?
2024-06-03 17:47:41
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Steve on Nostr: It’s not enough to just build a stock agency, because many exist. I have options of ...

It’s not enough to just build a stock agency, because many exist.

I have options of where to send my photos, but I sent them where I think that they will be licensed most frequently for editorial use, and that is almost always Getty.

They implemented a subscription based model for blogs, as well as big and small media companies who produce content daily and needs stock images to go with their words, it was bad for photographers across the industry because instead of getting a licensing fee, which was usually in the dollars, we now get subscription licensing fees, which are often pennies… but they do sell more frequently, so they effectively killed their competition by valuing all the work, and now they subsequently have the biggest distribution platform.

As a result of Getty photos with consistently great daily placement in print and online, they are also able to negotiate unlimited access when covering just about every event…

I can’t imagine another stock agency competing, but maybe a tech forward based company like Shutterstock could slowly get content creators to migrate over by incentivizing them in bitcoin

It would be a long game though
When it comes to entertainment, Getty basically runs the entire show, and there is no close second best.
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